Step #2 – Get your mind right.
So you’ve decided to take the plunge into the Group Breaker world. The next few days will be focused on helping you approach, prepare, and deliver a group breaking experience. In addition, we will cover some of the fundamental elements of starting a business. These are can be carried into any small business, but are essential to setting up the foundation for your business. But before we get into the complexities of starting your business, let’s dig into this.
Before you start investing your time/resources/and mental capacity into becoming a Group Breaker, you need to answer a few really important questions. These are the answers that will help guide you when you hit the inevitable rut early in your process…and again every few months. Take some time to look them over and think about your responses:
What is my mission as a Group Breaker?
What are the “non-negotiable” attributes I will deliver to my customers?
What additional value will I deliver to my customers?
What commitment will I stand by, regardless of the type of customer?
How will I approach adversity with my business and customers?
These are 5 key questions that are focused on “the why” of your business. If you haven’t thought through these, do it. Write your answers on a paper, stick them on your office wall, and stand by them.
You need to approach your Group Breaking with answers to the underlying motives because this is a tough business…and customers want to see conviction.
#1 – Write everything, but be brief.
When you are thinking through your business, write down everything that comes to mind. Get it all out. This gives your mind the opportunity to unload and cycle through newer thoughts. But when you start digesting what you write, summarize and be brief. For instance, you may come up with 4 paragraphs of goodness for your Mission Statement. That’s great! But before you put this on a website, eBay page, Twitter profile, etc… boil it down to 3-4 sentences. This will keep you focused and will help customers relate.
#2 – Think about yourself
#3 – Conviction speaks loudest