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BE A GROUP BREAKER? Step #1 – Breaker Beware! Read before you enter.


Step #1 – Breaker Beware! Read before you enter.

Since you are reading this… you realize the card collector (sports & non-sports) hobby has seen a massive shift over the last 5 years. The way we buy and collect is being driven by greater emphasis on digital platforms and social engagement. To the distaste of vintage hobby store aficionado’s, if you aren’t evolving with the times…you are being cornered. But, like any business trend, the shift creates opportunity. And in the Sports Card hobby we’ve seen a huge opportunity with Group Breaking.

In a nutshell, Group Breaking is new form of buying/selling sealed hobby wax (boxes/cases). Group Breakers sell spots into the opening of a product, broadcast the “break”, and deliver the results of the spots to the appropriate customers. There are obvious advantages to the collectors; it’s convenient; less expensive; entertaining; and flexible. As a collector, the group breaking experience has opened up opportunities to collect HOW you want to collect…and not be completely stricken to the risk in opening sealed wax. Score one for the collector.

But, what about from the Group Breaker perspective, how are they faring? Why are so many new Group Breakers popping up? Is this a legitimate business? Is it something that you should consider? What are the barriers to entry? Is there support within this community?

Over the next 2 weeks we will be releasing a series of “steps” to help dig into those questions. If you are interested in learning more about the intricacies of Group Breaking, this series is for you. If you have thought about exploring a potential new Group Break business, this series is for you. If you are a Group Breaker and are looking for a refresher on some of basics, this series is for you.

I suspect that regardless of your current state, this series will help you realize how good Group Breaking is/can be for this hobby. You’ll also realize that Group Breaking is NOT for everyone. To do this right you need to be able to multi-task, work tirelessly, properly communicate, and understand this hobby…none of which are easy. Put them all together and you’ll see the result in some of the hobby’s best Group Break Hosts (check our Rankings). But if you lack in any of these areas you’ll see a promising venture turn into a disappointing failure.

We look forward to having you along on this journey. See on Step #2 — RIGHT HERE

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